With abundant technical capabilities and equipment.
We will respond to all your requests.

Osaka Seiko starts from manufacturing steel wire.
We carry out integrated manufacturing and processing of automobile parts.

From manufacturing steel wire to manufacturing automobile parts, One-stop processing

Utilizing the processing technology and know-how we have acquired through manufacturing a wide variety of cold heading steel wires and manufacturing cold forging parts specializing in precision automobile parts, we aim to enhance our proposals and services to our customers.

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Integrated production from cold heading steel wire to cold forging

By combining the three processes of wire drawing, pickling, and heat treatment, we can create steel wire for cold heading that matches the customer's application and desired quality (size, shape, hardness, coating, etc.). We use the manufactured steel wire to create cold forged parts.
We make effective use of our equipment and deliver parts with shapes that suit your needs, from net-shaped parts to cold-forged slag.